About Us
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who we are
About Jebel Service
Jebel Integrated Security Services LLC and Jebel Technical Services LLC evolved from “Al Mukadam Building Cleaning and Security LLC” (AMCS). AMCS was incorporated in August 2004.
It was formed in a small scale business but today it is known as two companies in the name of Jebel Integrated Security Services LLC and Jebel Technical Services LLC to serve the greater UAE.
These Services are delivered through the Jebel Integrated Service Management System, which coupled with weekly and monthly reports and reviews, mean that the client is always fully aware of how their contract is being managed.
About Us
Company History
In 20 years of excellent service, Jebel Facilities Management is now a provider of Integrated Facilities Management Solution.
The company was established in August 2004 as a Building and Cleaning company and expanded to various services which it now offers, with the mission to serve the society by providing the Security, Cleaning and Technical requirements of the property developments that had taken off in the U.A.E and to give employment to many needy people in the United Arab Emirate to bring out their potential to the full and to enable them to lead a purposeful life.
In the Security Division, the Security Guards undergo intensive training at the Dubai Police Academy and are qualified to handle any threat to your property or personnel.
In the Cleaning Division, your property is well taken care of by our staff, who are well trained in using the various advance equipment and harmless chemicals to make an eco-friendly and clean environment.
The Technical Division of the business is well taken care of by professionals who maintain the quality of the product used. Proper care is observed in the immaculate finish of the work undertaken. The teams of professionals also ensure the maintenance of our clients’ MEP services along with their masonry and painting requirements.

Projects Done
Projects Running
Expert Team
Client Satisfaction
- Founder
- Managing Director
Late Mr. S.B. Jeyaseelan
In the year 2004 when Dubai experienced rapid economic development the Founder of the company (Late) Mr. S.B. Jeyaseelan envisaged a great potential for the Security, Cleaning and Technical Services in the United Arab Emirates as the country had embarked upon many Development Projects and was spurring ahead to a good and promising future.
He valued and expressed:
- What will matter is not what you bought, what you got or what you learned,
But what you bestowed, what you gave and what you taught. - What will matter is not your competence or success,
But your character and significance. - It does not matter how many people you knew,
But how many of them knew you. - Living a life that matter does not happen by accident but by choice.
Mrs. Irene Jeyaseelan
It's been ten years since the formation of the Company. We started operation from a small room office in Karama, then on to a studio type office in Garhoud. Today by His Grace we operate from an office in a Commercial Building in the busy Bank Street of Dubai.
Today I am glad we are fulfilling the great potential that the United Arab Emirates offers in the Security, Cleaning and Technical Services Industry. It's been a great pleasure to be a part of our team of professional staff whose primary motive is to provide a Clean, Secure and Eco friendly atmosphere in the United Arab Emirates.
I very much regret the absence of the day to day, timely advice and support of my late husband. But his values and ethics live on in me to urge me to put into practice whatever I learnt, from the close association with himfor 35 years, in which a major 29 years were most educative as he shared with me the business ethics observed in the United Arab Emirates.
I am sure Expo 2020 will inspire us toaspire higher and create greater opportunities for all our staff to advance their careers by creating a better tomorrow for the United Arab Emirates.

Our Testimonials
Our Trusted & Valuable Clients

Our Mission
To achieve a great client satisfaction, we need to exceed our client's expectations on every aspect they are looking at, which ensures that the client and the employees have job satisfaction.

Our Values
Confidence, Professional, Reliable, Economical, Sincere, Energy efficient, Transparent, Prompt.

- Our Vision
- Our Strength
To build our reputation on our Outstanding Service, Expertise and Unparalleled Reliability. It symbolizes in Our excellent clients' satisfaction, Our upscale business ethics, Our well experienced satisfied employees, Our ecofriendly awareness and Our sustainable long term mutual benefit.
The onset of the Expo 2020 has boosted the morale of the company to move forward for greater opportunities which promises a good future.
Almighty Grace on the Professional team of our staff is our greatest strength. The team is valuable to us as they are the reflectors of our company. The positive attitude of our staff has elevated us to where we are and that should take us further into the right direction. The success of our staff is not to quit, until the job is done well. The management team plays a key role to maintain the standard of the staff so that they contribute back to us in all possible ways to achieve our Mission.